For me, the most interesting part of this piece was considering the place and participants and designing the result of the output. Although I have technical expertise and am comfortable learning programming languages, I find my strengths to be in the visual mediation of the experience verses the technical programming. Because of this, I realize that there is much growth potential for my project, in terms of making it more technically sound and enhancing the sophistication of the interaction.
While the visual identity of emergent identity works in terms of the West Bank Arts Quarter, any future derivatives of this piece would need to similarly consider the contributing community and appropriate imagery that would best relate to that group. I see this as the unique challenge of any piece, but am parituclarly ingtrigued by the dynamic unfolding of the identity in regards to the interactions that are occurring. One site that I am particularly interested in exploring is the Midtown Greenway, a dynamic and bustling pedestrian pathway through a five-mile stretch of Minneapolis.
In its current state, I see this piece as a foundational understanding of how technology is embedded into an environment and presents an identity to the users (and outside viewers) of that space. I hope to expand the understanding I have gained through this experiment into a larger scale and more technically sound piece that engages the public to encourage social change.